How do I log in to the in4mo Task Reporter?
If you experience any issues when logging in, firstly make sure that you have been added as a user in the portal you are trying to access. If you have been added as a user but you get an error message saying that “username/password is wrong’ – please make sure you are using the correct information (e-mail address, password, and customer code) when logging in. If you have forgotten your password, open the portal of the company you are trying to log into, and press ‘Forgot your password?’ on the login page of the portal. On the pop-up window that appears – write the email address you use as the username in the portal. You will shortly automatically receive via e-mail a link to setup a new password.
If all the information is correct when you try to log in and the page is continuously loading, it might be that your firewall is blocking you from logging in to the portal. If this happens, try switching the Wi-Fi connection off in your device and solely use the mobile network. If you are still unable to log in, please contact the in4mo support.