Main Improvements in in4mo Release 14.4
The 14.4 release of in4mo Building Claims includes feature improvements and bug fixes, as well as security, stability, and performance improvements. Below you will find a summary of the main changes.
Improved Cost Control View
In this release we are introducing the new and improved Cost Control view, where the basic functionality and principles are the same as before but new features like drop down menus and filters make it easier and faster to navigate.
Since changing the UI of a feature that is used every day can affect efficiency, both the old and new Cost Control views will be available in parallel. This gives users the possibility to familiarize themselves with the new UI and give feedback to in4mo for potential improvements in the coming releases.
NOTE! By activating this new Cost Control view, we are also widening the entire portal’s view and utilizing the entire screen better. With this, the back- and update buttons are removed form the portal. These functions are still possible through the browser’s buttons, and the previous view can also be accessed by pressing the logo on the top left corner.
More detailed information about the new Cost Control functionality can be found in the separate Cost Control 2.0 Guide.
Improvements to the UI of the Work Plan
For smoother usability and a clearer overview, we’ve made some changes to the appearance of the workplan in the portals. The workplan is now compact and allows for more information to fit into a smaller space, which reduces the need for scrolling and therefore makes it faster to get an overview of the workplan.
Please see the pictures below that highlight the change.
Workplan before release 14.4
Workplan after release 14.4