What do I do if I accidentally sent report items to a wrong task?
If you notice that report items you sent to a task have ended up in the wrong task/case, you can do the following:
- Go to the task (in the web portal) that you accidentally sent the report information to and choose “Multimedia’ -folder
- Press “Save’ under all the items you need for the actual task you were performing.
- Then move all the items to the “Extras’ -folder and you can even add text to them saying that they are not a part of the task in question.
- Go to the correct task and to the “Multimedia’ -folder. Scroll down the page until you see the “Upload pictures’ -box.
- Get all the pictures into the task one by one by clicking on “Choose file’ and “Add’. This way you will get the items transferred to the right task. They will most likely be found in the downloads folder on your pc.
- Alternatively you can add the multimedia by filling out the report from the web portal, if available in the portal.
- You need to report in the right task to proceed to next phase.
- Report to your superviser and the insurance company, if it is an insurance case, since it might have GDPR implications.