Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, iCC, Inspector, and Project Manager
Work Plan in the Web Portal – Webcast
Learn all about the workplan in the web portal by watching this webcast
Categories: Contractor and Supplier Admin
Statistics Reports for Contractor and Service Companies
There are different statistics reports that service companies can extract from in4mo. Learn more about the available reports in this guide.
Categories: Contractor
in4mo Contractor – User Guide
This user guide explains how in4mo Contractor works, and is a useful read for anyone who uses the solution
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, and General
How to add a new member in in4mo (video)
See how to add new members to the portal.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, Craftsman, Inspector, Project Manager, and Task Reporter
How to Log in to in4mo TaskReporter Mobile Application (video)
See how to log into the app.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, Craftsman, Inspector, and Project Manager
How to get a new password in in4mo (video)
See how to reset your password.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, Craftsman, General, Inspector, Project Manager, Report Builder, and Supplier Admin
How to use the support request in in4mo (video)
Need help with using in4mo? Here’s how you can reach out to our support using the support request feature.
Categories: Building Claims and Contractor
Customer Page – User Guide
In in4mo it is possible to give customers access to an own customer page, where they can see information about their case as well as giving a communication channel. The page is highly configurable in terms of what information is shown on the page, and the feature is available both to Building Claims and Contractor customers. In this user guide you will learn more about how the page works and is set up.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, General, and Task Reporter
How to find a customer code in in4mo (video)
See how to find the customer code that you need to log in to the in4mo Task Reporter mobile application.
Categories: Contractor and Supplier Admin
How to edit a password in in4mo – Contractor admin (video)
See how editing passwords and unlocking users is done in in4mo Contractor.
Categories: Contractor and Services
Property Renovation Restoration with in4mo Contractor Pro (video)
Discover how in4mo Contractor can benefit your property damage and renovation business.
Categories: Contractor, iCC, and Services
in4mo Cost Calculations in in4mo Contractor (video)
Discover how easy it is to produce an accurate building work cost estimate while in the field with your customers.
Categories: Contractor and Services
Customer Transparency in in4mo Contractor (video)
Discover how being transparent with customers today can help property renovation companies generate new and repeat business tomorrow.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, General, iCC, Inspector, and Project Manager
iCC Work Plan in the Web Portal – User Guide
Using iCC to estimate the cost of a repair project is fast and easy. It can be done both in the Task Reporter app and in the web portal. In this document we focus on how to do it in the web portal.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, Craftsman, General, Inspector, Project Manager, Supplier Admin, and Training & Certification
in4mo certification
Here you find more information on how to get certified for in4mo.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, General, Inspector, Project Manager, and Supplier Admin
in4mo Basics – User Guide
To get the most from the in4mo service you need to know the basics. This guide will explain all from case list and dashboard to statuses and the process steps.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, iCC, Inspector, Project Manager, and Task Reporter
How to Estimate Costs in iCC – User Guide
The in4mo Cost Calculation solution will help you to estimate the cost for a damage or a renovation project. Here you get the foundation for make them fast and easy.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, iCC, and Supplier Admin
iCC Price Management – User Guide
To estimate the repair cost in iCC, hourly rates and other cost elements must be defined, in this guide we tell you how.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, Craftsman, Inspector, iRV, and Project Manager
in4mo Remote Video For Partner Users – User Guide
A short guide to go through the steps to make a video call with in4mo Remote Video (iRV)
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, and Inspector
Reporting in the Webportal – User Guide
There might be several reasons to work on an inspection report in the web portal. This giude gives you the needed tools for preparing a site visit, continuing the report work after the visit or doing the full task at the desk.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, General, and Supplier Admin
Authorities and Roles in in4mo – User Guide
The guide goes through the different authority levels and roles and what they mean.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, and General
Statuses in in4mo
in4mo will help you to keep track of all ongoing activities, making sure that all involved know what they should do and when as well as keeping a record of everything for follow up. To do this we have a number of steps and checkpoints during the process of completing the work. These steps are defined as described in the PDF.
Categories: Building Claims, Contractor, General, Inspector, Project Manager, and Supplier Admin
Notifications in in4mo – User Guide
Thanks to the optimized process and the different checkpoints the system can send out notifications via email and SMS to the users. This document describes the basics of the notification system and what settings can be done by the user.