How do I find my tasks in the application?
If you cannot find tasks in your application, check the following things:
- The status of the task
Log in to the web portal and check the status of the task. If status is 0 or 0+, the task has not been assigned to you yet. If a task has disappeared from the application, it can be because it has been closed by an insurance company. All other tasks than the inspection will disappear when you have marked the task as ready (status 4) in the application. It can also be because the task has been reassigned to another user/company.
- Internet connection
To ensure that you have a working internet connection, and that the application can connect to the in4mo server – update the task list by swiping with your finger downwards in middle of the screen, in the task view. Check if the number that appears on the outbox (shown on top of the screen), disappears after a while.
- Status of main inspection
If the problem is related to other tasks than the inspection or the first aid task, check that the status of the main inspection is a green A. When the main inspection status is a green A, that means that there has been made a positive compensation decision. A positive compensation decision is needed, before all other tasks than the beforementioned two, will be sent to the application on your device.
- Correct account
Verify that you have the right account open on your device. If you have more than one account in a portal, check also in the case in the web portal which account has been assigned the task.
- Correct login details
When working on a case, verify that you are logged in to the application with your own user account (email address and password). If you share devices with your colleagues, it is a possibility that someone else’s account is open.
- Latest version of in4mo Task Reporter
For the application to work as smoothly as possible, it is recommended that you have the latest version of the application installed on your device. For instructions on how to update the application please go here.
- Update task list
To search for new tasks on the task list, swipe with your finger downwards from the middle of the screen. Make sure that the internet connection on your mobile device is working.