I cannot find a case in the web portal, what do I do?
- First check the filters and reset some or all if needed by pressing ‘Reset’ for a specific filter or ‘Reset all’ to deactivate all the filters.
- When a task is in status 0, 0+ or 1, the insurance company can change the responsible partner office for the task – which means that the case will disappear from your case list if your company does not have any other tasks on this specific case.
- Your authority level might be too low to view cases in which you are not set as responsible for a task. Contact an admin in your company or another colleague to see if they can see the case.
- If you have been assigned the main inspection and this one disappears both from web portal and the application – the reason could be that the insurance company took an early compensation decision, in which case the inspection is transferred to the insurance company. This happens if a compensation decision is made before the inspection is marked as complete (i.e. when the status is lower than 4).