Why does in4mo Task Reporter say I haven’t filled in all mandatory fields in the inspection report even if I have?

In some cases there can be a missmatch between the latest settings in the web portal and the mobile application, in4mo Task Reporter. This can result in the situation that you get a message that you must fill in all mandatory fields even if you have checked that all are filled in for the report template. Here are a few steps to check if this happens:

  1. Make sure to “unmark” the report templates you won’t fill in for the specific task.
  2. Check that you have network connection and that the outbox is empty.
  3. Make sure you have the latest version of the Task Reporter app, we recommend to activate automatic update of the app.
  4. Go to the settings in the Task Reporter app and click “Download report items”.
  5. Send logs from the Task Reporter app and contact the support.