Frende Forsikring
In4mo customer since November 2013
Published on November 16, 2018 | 5 mins read
Ever since it was founded 10 years ago, Frende Forsikring has had to react to its fair share of extreme weather and natural disasters. Some of the most severe weather events had great sounding names, for example, Nina (January 2015), Caroline (December 2017) and Ali (September 2018); others had a more localized impact but were just as devastating to properties.
Since Norway is heavily exposed to the North Atlantic Ocean, it’s not a question of “if” but “when” the next severe weather event will strike and impact insurance policy holders.

When those natural events occur, Frende must handle an extraordinarily high number of property claims raised in just a few days, placing their claims operations’ teams under enormous strain. In their most severe case, over 20% of the yearly building claims volume were reported for just one event; that meant several thousand customers who needed help from Frende, all at the same time.
During these type of events, speed is always paramount
“We had to quickly understand where the damage took place, get our people and partners in the right place, report the scale of the damage, coordinate with our damage restoration partners, make coverage and compensation decisions, and above all support our customers in those difficult moments” says Arild Havsgård, Frende’s Head of inspection and appraisal.

Traditionally this type of situation required a lot of manual effort, phone calls, emails and even fax at times to progress the claims and coordinate between claims handlers, internal inspectors, external partners and policy holders. It was a slow process. As transportation and communication services are often affected by such type of events, you really had long weeks ahead of you to get all customers back on track with their lives.

After Frende adopted in4mo Building Claims, claims resulting from natural events got so much easier to handle; organising the first inspection, which used to take on average 3 to 4 days, is now done in minutes. Policy holders know who is coming when, and what is happening at all times; partners are ready to act, decisions are taken faster, communication between all parties is easier, internal operations are more efficient…
“After a natural event, Frende is often the first responder to help its customers in the field and get them back on track. This has been recognised in the industry and helps Frende deliver the customer service we are known for. Frende has won the best customer service award and most satisfied customer award (EPSI) in the insurance category several times” says Heidi Tofterå Slettemoen, Head of communication at Frende Forsikring
Of course, disruptive natural events are still intense moments for Frende’s claims department. Knowing that the right systems are in place to make a difference in their customers’ lives brings deep satisfaction to the Frende teams.

Story abstract
About Frende
Frende Forsikring is a leading Norwegian insurer, owned by 15 local savings banks. Headquartered in Bergen, Frende Forsikring have around 265 employees, a sales corps of 1,000 through banks and franchise, and over 250,000 residential and business customers with insurance solutions covering Life and Non-Life policies across the country. www.frende.no
Some context – Norway
With its long and narrow land along the North Atlantic Ocean, a total of 20,000 km of coastline, Norway is a country exposed to a demanding climate. When natural events strike, insurance companies like Frende must handle an extraordinarily high level of claims raised in just a few days, while still delivering the high-quality customer service that their policy holders have come to expect.
Before in4mo
Handling building claims required a lot of manual effort to progress the claims and coordinate the work between the internal inspection teams, external partners and policy holders. The situation got critical during severe natural events, like big storms, when thousands of claims were often reported in just one day, stretching Frende’s insurance claims operations to the limit.
In4mo’s solution
Frende adopted in4mo’s Building Claims solution to handle their policy holder property claims, from notification of loss to successful resolution. Every day, In4mo Building Claims helps Frende Forsikring make fast compensation decisions, keep track of all ongoing cases, stay in control of the claims costs and keep all stakeholders informed about what’s going on throughout the claims resolution process.
Successful outcome
When a natural event strikes, all in4mo Building claims functionalities come together to help Frende deliver the best service to their customers. Frende is often the first responder to help its customers on site, and it has helped them win the best Norwegian customer service award in the insurance category, 2 years in a row.