Frequently asked questions
Topics: FAQ
How do I log in to the in4mo Task Reporter?
If you experience any issues when logging in, firstly make sure that you have been added as a user in the portal you are trying to access. If you have been added as a user but you get an error message saying that “username/password is wrong’ – please make sure you are using the correct … How do I log in to the in4mo Task Reporter?
Topics: FAQ
Where do I find the customer codes needed for logging in to the Task Reporter app?
In order to log in to the Task Reporter app you need a customer code. Each web portal in in4mo has got its own code. The codes for each respective portal can be found in the portal by clicking Support in the menu bar on top of the screen.
Topics: FAQ
Where can I find the iCC principles document?
You find the iCC principles document in a web portal by opening the Work plan in a case, and then by clicking the info icon (see illustration below).
Topics: FAQ
How do I update the in4mo Task Reporter?
For the application to work smoothly, it is recommended that the latest version of the application is installed on your device. The best way is to turn on the setting on your device, for the application to update automatically. How to manually update the application iOS – press the App Store icon on your device … How do I update the in4mo Task Reporter?
Topics: FAQ
How do I make sense of a .csv file?
There are two different approaches to opening the .csv files in Microsoft Excel. They can be opened directly in Excel after the download is completed, or they can be saved on your computer, then opened through Excel. Opening a file saved on computer: Open Microsoft Excel, then click on ‘Data’. You will see a button … How do I make sense of a .csv file?
Topics: FAQ
What do the statuses mean?
The image below shows the different task statuses tasks can have in in4mo, and what they mean. The image also shows some other icons you may encounter in the portal. Please note that most insurance companies have automatic budget approval on the inspection task, which means that the jump here from 1 will not be … What do the statuses mean?
Topics: FAQ
What to do when I can’t find a specific office/partner when assigning a task in a case?
When assigning a task, if the office does not appear on the list – contact the insurance company. If the insurance company is not able to find out why this partner/office does not appear on the list, the insurance company can contact in4mo support.
Topics: FAQ
I don’t receive tasks and my data is not sent to portal from my Huawei device?
Huawei has an enforced security for sending data in background, that can cause problems when using the application. Please go to Settings -> Protected application and add in4mo Task Reporter to the list of protected apps.
Topics: FAQ
Our company has received a new task, what do we do now?
When your company receives a new task, the first thing you need to do is to assign the task to a responsible from the company. For more information and an overview of the different statuses, click here.
Topics: FAQ
How do I assign a task to a responsible person?
There are three ways to assign a task to a responsible person: Open the case in which you want to assign a task to a person and click ‘Assign members’ on the left side of the screen, under the list which shows the tasks and statuses. A pop-up window will open where it is possible … How do I assign a task to a responsible person?
Topics: FAQ
How do I find my tasks in the application?
If you cannot find tasks in your application, check the following things: The status of the task Log in to the web portal and check the status of the task. If status is 0 or 0+, the task has not been assigned to you yet. If a task has disappeared from the application, it can … How do I find my tasks in the application?
Topics: FAQ
How does automatic member selection work?
When automatic member selection is in use for an office, the defined tasks will automatically be assigned to the selected user(s) when this task type is assigned to the office. Admin users can select if this function should be in use for an office, and who should be selected as the automatic user choice. It … How does automatic member selection work?
Topics: FAQ
Why doesn’t the app send my reported items to the web portal and the status is lower in the portal?
Check this if you see that the status of a task is lower in the web portal than in your application: This usually happens if your mobile device isn’t connected to the internet. No report items or information will be lost due to this. Check your internet connection and try also to connect your device … Why doesn’t the app send my reported items to the web portal and the status is lower in the portal?
Topics: FAQ
I try to take a picture, but the screen is black, what do I do?
Go to app setting on your device and check if Task Reporter has been allowed to use the camera.
Topics: FAQ
How do I upload pictures/text to a task?
In addition to taking pictures from the mobile app, it is also possible to upload extra pictures and fill in text through the web portal. Please note that all mandatory fields still need to be filled in on the mobile app, for the task to be marked as completed. You can upload pictures by going … How do I upload pictures/text to a task?
Topics: FAQ
How can I delete tasks via the mobile app?
Tasks are automatically removed when you mark them as completed, except for inspection tasks that will be visible till the case is closed or deleted. How these tasks are removed depends on whether your device runs iOS or Android: Android: Start by pressing the three dots in the top right corner in the case list, … How can I delete tasks via the mobile app?
Topics: FAQ
How can I change the site visit picture in a main inspection task?
If you want to change the site visit picture on a case, do this: Go to the case in question and open the task you took the picture you want to use in. Go to ‘Multimedia’ and press “Set site visit picture’ next to the picture that should be the site picture. Note! The picture … How can I change the site visit picture in a main inspection task?
Topics: FAQ
I cannot find a case in the web portal, what do I do?
First check the filters and reset some or all if needed by pressing ‘Reset’ for a specific filter or ‘Reset all’ to deactivate all the filters. When a task is in status 0, 0+ or 1, the insurance company can change the responsible partner office for the task – which means that the case will … I cannot find a case in the web portal, what do I do?
Topics: FAQ
How do I log in to the web portal?
Please check the following if you are not able to log in to the web portal. Check that you are in the right portal by checking the logo up to the left on the login page or the web address. If your company is using the Contractor solution, you should only log in to the … How do I log in to the web portal?
Topics: FAQ
What do I do if I don’t want some items in Multimedia to be in the inspection report?
If there is some extra material in the ‘Multimedia’ tab you can send those items to ‘Extras’ tab by clicking on ‘Move to Extras folder’ next to the picture/other item. The items you moved will then be in the ‘Extras’ tab in the specific task. They will not be included in the report when you … What do I do if I don’t want some items in Multimedia to be in the inspection report?
Topics: FAQ
How to reset password?
If you have forgotten your password you can just click the “Forgot password?” link on the web portal login page. Here you can request a reset link that will be sent to your registered email address. Check this video on how to do it. If you are a Contractor user, an admin member with authorization … How to reset password?
Topics: FAQ
What do I do if I accidentally sent report items to a wrong task?
If you notice that report items you sent to a task have ended up in the wrong task/case, you can do the following: Go to the task (in the web portal) that you accidentally sent the report information to and choose “Multimedia’ -folder Press “Save’ under all the items you need for the actual task … What do I do if I accidentally sent report items to a wrong task?
Topics: FAQ
How do I add a budget for a task?
How budgets are added in in4mo depends on the configuration in the portal of each insurance company – more specifically on whether the cost calculation tool iCC is used or not. If iCC is not used in the portal, budgets can be added by opening the Budget tab in the case, the same button can … How do I add a budget for a task?
Topics: FAQ
Can I change a user’s account/e-mail address?
An in4mo certificate is tied to a person’s email address. If you or a colleague is going to change or has already changed your/their email address in in4mo, the in4mo support should be notified about the change so that we can move the certificate from the old address to the new one.
Topics: FAQ
Why does in4mo Task Reporter say I haven’t filled in all mandatory fields in the inspection report even if I have?
In some cases there can be a missmatch between the latest settings in the web portal and the mobile application, in4mo Task Reporter. This can result in the situation that you get a message that you must fill in all mandatory fields even if you have checked that all are filled in for the report … Why does in4mo Task Reporter say I haven’t filled in all mandatory fields in the inspection report even if I have?
Topics: FAQ
How do I edit a budget for a task?
If you have to make changes to a budget which has already been added to a case, this is done under the budget tab, where you click ‘Edit’ to the right on the same row as the budget you want to edit. When you’ve made the required changes, the budget is sent for approval again. … How do I edit a budget for a task?
Topics: FAQ
How to filter for a specific issue in in4mo?
There are a lot of different filters in the case list in in4mo. By using a single filter or a combination of different filters, it is possible to restrict the number of cases shown in the case list, which can be useful for finding the cases relevant to you more quickly and easily. The filters … How to filter for a specific issue in in4mo?
Topics: FAQ
How does the invoice feature work?
It’s possible to add invoices directly in a case in in4mo. To do this, go to the tab ‘Invoice’, where you click ‘Add invoice’ to open the window where you fill out information about the invoice and add the invoice file. Under the invoice tab there’s a row showing the approved budget for tasks assigned … How does the invoice feature work?
Topics: FAQ
What notifications can I get?
Each user can decide what kind of email notifications they want to receive. This is done from the user’s own profile, which is accessed by clicking on the user’s own name in the menu on top of the portal, and then clicking on ‘Notifications’ on the left side in the profile. There are also a … What notifications can I get?
Topics: FAQ
How do I set a Deputy?
When a user is going to be unavailable, for example due to holiday, sick leave or work-related travelling or training, the user can be set as unavailable in in4mo. To be set as unavailable the user must have a deputy defined in the system. This deputy will receive chat and email notifications directed to the … How do I set a Deputy?
Topics: FAQ
How do I sign up for a course and get certified?
To sign up yourself or one or more colleagues for a course, go to “Certification” and click on the wanted course to open the page for this course, then click on the button “Sign up for this course’, which is found on top of the page, above the course information. In the window that pops … How do I sign up for a course and get certified?
Topics: FAQ
How does the dashboard work?
The dashboard is used for following cases and is an easy way to keep yourself up to date. What kind of information is displayed can vary depending on authority level and role. The dashboard shows the statuses of different tasks and displays when a task is getting close or has passed the target time.
Topics: FAQ
What is the difference between a course, a webinar and a remote evaluation?
Course During a course, participants will receive training in the use of in4mo by an instructor from in4mo. This includes a presentation and demonstration of the service by the instructor, and practise for the participants. Courses are typically held in a conference room and are usually set up based on request. It is also possible … What is the difference between a course, a webinar and a remote evaluation?
Topics: FAQ
What is in4mo Task Reporter?
The in4mo application is called ‘in4mo Task Reporter’ and can be installed on Android and iOS smartphones and tablets with the following version requirements: Android version 8.0 or newer. iOS version 14.0 or newer for iPhones and iPads If you experience any issues with the mobile application, firstly make sure that you have the latest … What is in4mo Task Reporter?